Lynch Interactive was started in 1999. Over the years we’ve been involved in a lot of different web based initiatives, websites, intranets and systems.
The company started with the goal of being an online marketing agency, but at the time most companies hadn’t started their online businesses, and so we were pressed into development.
We started our own e-commerce package and still have several clients on that system. We have done hundreds of websites continue to develop websites for clients today.
Starting in about 2012 we focused more on the internal uses of the web, intranets, project tracking and other internal communication systems. SharePoint has been a core functionality that’s part of almost every engagement.
Many of the 3rd party applications we integrated have since been replicated and are a part of the Microsoft offering and so we’ve evolved and continue to add new tools to our bag. Integration with 3rd party applications is another core competency.
Think of us this way – We are the ideal company to help bring data and people and software programs together. We do this with a variety of tools mostly in the Microsoft family but certainly not exclusively. The services we provide span Consulting which usually leads to development and data migration. We have a number of templates we’ve developed that are used to deploy custom configurations for clients.